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Nghĩa của từ banknotes

Cách phát âm, ý nghĩa, ví dụ, các từ khác liên quan, các bài báo chứa thông tin về từ vựng banknotes


Phát âm

Ý nghĩa

* danh từ
  giấy bạc

Các câu ví dụ:

1. VND200,000 bill   As one of the country’s most popular destinations, Ha Long Bay has twice been featured on Vietnamese banknotes – the former VND10,000 paper note and the current VND200,000 polymer note.

2. Le Van Tiep, owner of an online souvenir shop in Binh Thanh District, said he has been collecting banknotes with pigs’ images since he expects high demand for them in the new year.

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