banana /bə'nɑ:nə/
Phát âm
Ý nghĩa
danh từ
(thực vật học) cây chuối
quả chuối
a hand of banana → một nải chuối
a bunch of banana → một buồng chuối
Các câu ví dụ:
1. The cooks use dried banana leaves to wrap the cakes.
2. Each dumpling is individually wrapped in dong or banana leaves for not only a different look, but also a bit of herbs when steamed.
3. Loan said she bought snow banana seeds during a trip to northern Vietnam two years ago.
4. A normal banana plant can produce up to 15 hands in one bunch.
5. Last year, a banana tree produced 220 hands in one bunch in the south central province of Phu Yen Province.
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