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Nghĩa của từ baldness

Cách phát âm, ý nghĩa, ví dụ, các từ khác liên quan, các bài báo chứa thông tin về từ vựng baldness

baldness /'bɔ:ldnis/

Phát âm

Ý nghĩa

danh từ

  tình trạng hói đầu; (y học) chứng rụng tóc
  tình trạng trọc lóc; tình trạng trơ trụi cây vối, đồi...)
  sự nghèo nàn, sự khô khan, sự tẻ (văn chương...)

Các câu ví dụ:

1. "Our data indicate that on average several genes involved in male pattern baldness are associated with shorter stature.

2. " Earlier research has shown that men with so-called male pattern baldness are also statistically more likely to suffer from heart disease and prostate cancer, though the added risk is slight.

3. They also did not quantify the risk of baldness associated with the different states.

4. In men of European descent, male pattern baldness usually begins in their 30s.

5. There is relatively little data on male pattern baldness in Africa, but male hair loss there appears to be less frequent.

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