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Nghĩa của từ baker

Cách phát âm, ý nghĩa, ví dụ, các từ khác liên quan, các bài báo chứa thông tin về từ vựng baker

baker /'beikə/

Phát âm

Ý nghĩa

danh từ

  người làm bánh mì
  người bán bánh mì
baker's dozen
  (xem) dozen
pull devil!, pull baker!
  nào, cả hai bên cố gắng lên nào

Các câu ví dụ:

1. McCurry then tracked her down, after 17 years of searching, to a remote Afghan village in 2002, where she was married to a baker and the mother of three daughters.

2. Buoyed by his victory in the Gulf, Bush and his hard-nosed and widely respected secretary of state James baker cobbled together the 1991 Madrid Conference to launch the Arab-Israeli peace process.

3. baker told national broadcaster ABC on Sunday.

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