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Nghĩa của từ bailey

Cách phát âm, ý nghĩa, ví dụ, các từ khác liên quan, các bài báo chứa thông tin về từ vựng bailey

bailey /'beili/

Phát âm

Ý nghĩa

danh từ

  tường ngoài (lâu đài)
  sân trong (lâu đài)
Oil Bailey
  toà đại hình Luân đôn

Các câu ví dụ:

1. A person has shot two bailiffs, they are both deceased," Berrien County Sheriff Paul bailey said in a news conference.

2. bailey said the shooter was a prisoner who took a gun from one of two bailiffs escorting him to a courtroom in the St.

3. " The only possible conclusion was that the Russian state was behind the attempted murder of the Skripals and the harm that befell Nick bailey, a police officer who is in a serious condition after being exposed to the nerve agent, May said.

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