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Nghĩa của từ backup

Cách phát âm, ý nghĩa, ví dụ, các từ khác liên quan, các bài báo chứa thông tin về từ vựng backup


Phát âm

Ý nghĩa

  (Tech) dự phòng; sao lưu (d/đ)

Các câu ví dụ:

1. Two minutes after the blackout, backup power was turned on.

Nghĩa của câu:

Hai phút sau khi mất điện, nguồn dự phòng đã được bật.

2. The two whirl around each other in time to something akin to the tango, accompanied by garlic, pepper and oyster sauce as their backup dancers.

3. Backblaze, an ideal choice for Mac backup Backblaze is a simple and inexpensive cloud storage platform.

4. Furthermore, Backblaze also offers an unlimited desktop cloud backup platform that costs around $5 a month per computer.

5. Although Adidas had backup plans for this situation, the surprise signing of a global superstar like Ronaldo has significantly increased demand and a prolonged low stock of jerseys is expected in the coming time.

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